January Blog/ Back to school

Studying/ School- Hi everyone! It's exciting to be back in school again. I’m ready for the second semester of this program. So far it seems to be an exciting semester as we have many more presentations to do this time compared to our last semester. I have improved my studying schedule and seem to be doing well on completing my learning objectives after classes. I truly wish that we got more time to study with our classmates which would have been really helpful for many of us in this program. However, we are all making the most of it by utilizing online zoom sessions and creating study groups. The only thing that I’m really nervous about this semester is the NBME exam in April. I really want to do well on that exam and so I’ve started to create a study guide on how I will be utilizing my study days in the upcoming weeks. I would like to make the most out of each day and benefit from every study session. Last semester, it took me a few weeks to get my study habits together and do well on the exams but I finished the semester strong and was happy to see my grades. I love this program and what it has taught me thus far. I know that a lot of this information will help me on the MCAT which I plan to retake once I am done with this semester.


Volunteer- With Covid numbers rising everywhere, I usually spend most of my time at home. It actually helps me to focus on studying more and investing this time for myself. This month I have not been able to do community service as I wanted to make sure I started the semester off strong with good grades. I plan to volunteer at the Harvest Food Bank next week and will make sure to serve this wonderful community of New Orleans. Furthermore, I will be writing to my lovely ladies at Phoenix Assisted Care. Ill update you on any responses I receive. Thank you for visiting my blog!


